Over the summer two ninja coaches and I (Izabela) went on a 2.5 month mission trip to the island nation of Mauritius, near southern Africa. We went as a team of nine to help out the long term team there. On this trip God taught us, provided for us, and helped work through our team to bless the people of Mauritius.
Mauritius is a nation filled with people of many different backgrounds including Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, and a few others. One of the main things we did there was start Bible studies and house churches using the Waha app. Our first Bible study was with our 3-6 translators who were from all different backgrounds (Hindu, Muslim, Catholic). We talked about the Bible, played games, prayed together and cultivated friendship. We had weekly outings throughout the week where the translators showed us the island and culture of Mauritius, and our team was able to build friendships and pour into their lives.
For example, the team walked with one Hindu translator through difficult relationships and stood by her while pointing her to Jesus. Closer to the end of the trip she asked how each team member could love her so much and we shared that it was the love of Jesus and walked her through the gospel message in the Bible. She started going to a Christian church and sharing the Waha Bible study app with strangers during outreach and with her family. God loves everyone and can work through anyone.
Our team was also able to bless children too. We visited a ghetto (a poor area where some kids live in a car and don’t eat for multiple days) from the suggestion of one of our translators and we had the opportunity to minister to kids there. We did activities together and donated food, crafts, and clothes. Some team members played soccer and frisbee with them, some did art, and some joined with a translator in leading a Bible study and inviting the kids to a local church. One boy I met was scared to join because he was afraid people would be mean to him. I had the opportunity to encourage him that everyone here is kind and would love him to play soccer and by the end he was confidently smiling and playing with kids from ages six to seventeen. Sometimes sharing Bible verses is what people need, and sometimes sharing the love of Jesus through our actions is what people need.
God also miraculously healed people. Our one translator had many complications such as seizures and back pain that made it painful to walk. We prayed over her and God completely healed her back! She soon started running, including running up and down a mountain and encouraging us to join her playing tag. Another example is a person who was debilitated from being electrocuted and unable to play the sports he enjoyed. A team member prayed over him and a week later he texted her to say that he was completely healed! She later got invited to speak about the goodness and power of God at his church.
Part of the vision for this trip was to include families. The team was kindly invited into many new friends’ homes for meals and fellowship. One example is being invited into our neighbor’s home who were Muslim. It opened the door to talk about life including beliefs and values. The Mom talked about fear a lot. This gave us the opportunity to share about the gospel of Jesus and the hope, peace, and joy he gives us. At the end of our trip, her son was meeting with a team member to read the Bible and learn about the Holy Spirit, and the Mom of the family said that we should have more real Christians in Mauritius.
Our team also did prayer mapping and outreaches. On outreaches we would pray and ask God to guide us on who to speak to and how to encourage people. Sometimes we would encourage people through a simple conversation, and sometimes a deeper conversation would start and the friendship would continue for weeks. For example, one day a team member saw a lady who looked sad. A couple team members went to her to ask how they could pray for her. They prayed over her and exchanged numbers, and soon started meeting for a regular Bible study. By the end of the summer, this lady who said she was Hindu was reading the Bible on her own and exclaiming how she felt so much peace whenever she did. She’s now continuing to be poured into by our long-term team.
We are so thankful for all the prayers and support people gave us, including a fundraiser hosted at Rock Solid Warrior! We were blessed to be a unified team and God moved in so many different ways from small day to day conversations to starting a second house church. We hope that these stories can be an encouragement to you and a testimony of God’s goodness, mercy, and love.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
-Matthew 28:19-20