Now that the Ninja Carolina League Fall/Winter season is over, what's next? Taking It To…
Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association – Season 9 Area Qualifier – Fuquay – December 16-17
One of the original Ninja Leagues – the Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association (UNAA) – is starting its 9th season. And we’ll be hosting an Area Qualifier at our Rock Solid Warrior Fuquay Varina location on December 16-17.
The UNAA has divisions for athletes from ages 6 to 40+. The season begins in September with Area Qualifiers around the country (as well as International qualifiers in other countries). Those whose top 3 scores in Area Qualifiers (think of it as “the regular season) rank them at the top 10 of their standings in their division get first choice of what wave they want to compete in at the finals. The top 50% of finishers (or top 3, whichever is higher) that have not already qualified at an Area qualifier in every division is eligible to move on to Regional qualifiers which typically start around May or June.
This year the North Carolina Regional Qualifier will be right here in Wake County at Warrior Tech (date still to be determined). The top 20% of finishers (or top 3, whichever is higher) qualify for World Finals, which will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center in California in late July (23-27).
For kids and adults who would like to compete with others across the nation – as well as other nations – this is a great way to start. As is our general policy, the earlier you sign up, the better run order you’ll have. First to sign up will run last after getting an opportunity to see what all the other athletes do. Prices go up after December 3, so put it on your calendar and sign up now.
Every year for the past several years, we’ve had a variety of athletes qualify for World Finals, and at least one athlete from Rock Solid Warrior make it to the top 10 in their division. And in 2021, we actually had three of our male athletes finish in the top 10 in the pro division.
This year at Rock Solid, we’re offering three different levels of competition training for youth:
• Competition Training Clinic (a ten-plus week introduction to the more advanced techniques and conditioning that it takes to be competitive in the sport)
• Competition Team Jr. – for those who have proven they will work hard in the younger ages
• Competition Team – for the most advanced youth athletes.
We’re also in the process of turning our Adult Elite Team into an offering for those who would like to compete at the pro level.
If you’d like to know more about the sport, the UNAA, or our Competitive Teams, reach out to one of our coaches.